A message to hunters

Dear hunters,

I am in western Massachusetts visiting my grandparents and wanted to go for a walk in the woods and found out that it was hunting season. When I heard this I wanted to swear at the hunters but I didn’t. I felt angry, I felt confused about why people would kill animals for a sport because they have feelings too – of course they do!   Please stop hunting innocent animals.  

deer for blog


Working on a web series

This fall I have been working on a web series about raising money to sponsor a sheep named Tara Anna who lives at Maple Farm Sanctuary. I will post the video as soon as it’s done.  Thanks to The Pollination Project and Tofurky for supporting this.  Click here for the Pollination Project grant announcement!

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Why I am a vegetarian

I don’t care if animals eat animals because they don’t have a choice.  Humans do have a choice to eat meat or not.  It makes me grossed out and sad when I see people with meat because I really feel bad for the animals they are eating.


Helping Animals

imageI just donated $85 to the Animal Welfare Institute with the money that I got from a lemonade stand I had.  I raised the money to help animals.  I also got two new kittens from a shelter – they had no home.  I love to play with them and take care of them.  (but i don’t feed them – my mom does that)


Do Not KILL Animals!!

You can not kill animals.I have been a vegetarian for 3 years.I am 7 years old, the reason I am a vegetarian is because I don’t like people KILLING animals.I think everyone in the world out there, should NOT eat or kill animals, though I do not care that much if animals die from old age. People should not kill animals like, for an example, lambs — they are BABY sheep. And they need to live a life longer!!Image

